Click for a Spring Break Messagefrom Mrs. Moody and Mrs. Marla Meal Delivery Updates and Changes:

We will be changing our meal deliveries effective immediately in the following way:

  • Monday-Wednesday deliveries will remain unchanged
  • Thursday will be a 2-day delivery
  • There will be no meal deliveries or meal pick up on Friday

This will allow our food service personnel to catch up on Friday and prepare for the coming week. It will also allow classified, transportation, and food service to participate in professional learning on Fridays. We will be sharing more detailed information with our community in the next few days.

Mrs. Vera’s Counselor’s Corner

K-2 Mindful Monday-April 20, 2020

3-5 Mindful Monday 4/20/20

K-2 Links for SEL

3-5 Links for SEL

Coach V’s Daily Videos

United Way Compass Center

Resources for our Families

Click Here to Learn how to

log in to Launchpoint

  • Monday:
    ELA/Social Studies( 80 minutes) and Math Fluency 10 minutes and 1 specials activity ( 30 minutes)
  • Tuesday:
    Math ( 45 minutes) Spanish Language Arts/Science (45 minutes) and 1 specials activity ( 30 minutes)
  • Wednesday:
    ELA/Social Studies ( 80 minutes) and Math Fluency (10 minutes) and 1 specials activity ( 30 minutes)
  • Thursday:
    Math ( 45 minutes) Spanish Language Arts/Science ( 45 minutes) and 1 specials activity ( 30 minutes)
  • Friday:

    We Care Fridays!