All Elementary and Middle School girls are invited to have fun and develop volleyball skills with your friends. All levels welcome, beginners to advanced.
Have you ever wanted to be onstage? Join us this Spring for an after-school drama enrichment program for K-5th graders designed to explore acting and musical theatre. Students meet weekly and rehearse and play drama games that encourage teamwork, creative expression and public speaking skills.
Please, we need your help in the sale of ice cream on
Tuesdays and Thursdays and in the sale of snow cones on Fridays.
Verify what days you can help us and write your name in the
following links:
Ice Cream Sales (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Snow Cone Sales in the Mercado
Thank you!
Apreciados Padres:
Por favor, necesitamos su ayuda en la venta de helados (nieves) los martes y
jueves y en la venta de snow cones (raspados de hielo) lo viernes.
Verifique que días puede ayudarnos y anótese en los siguientes enlaces.
Venta de helados (martes y jueves)
Venta de Snow Cones en el Mercado (viernes)
The WLA PTO is hosting a pre-packaged School Supply Sale for the 2019/20 school year. The pre-packaged school supply items are WLA Grade Level and Administration approved for the 2019/20 school year. Supplies will be delivered to your child’s classroom before the first day of school. Save time and money – get a jump on […]

Desserts on the Lawn: Best Wishes to Ms. Brittney!
Please join us at “Desserts on the Lawn” to celebrate Ms. Brittney and her 11 amazing years with WLA on Thursday, May 23rd at 5:30pm on the Primary Campus field. Bring your favorite dessert for your family and lots of Ms. Brittney memories to share as we wish her well on her next adventure. We look forward to seeing you there!
Postres en el jardín: ¡Los mejores deseos para la Sra. Brittney!
Únase a nosotros en “Postres en el jardín” para celebrar a la Sra. Brittney y sus 11 maravillosos años con WLA el jueves 23 de mayo a las 5:30 pm en la cancha del Campus Primario. Por favor traiga el postre favorito para su familia y muchos recuerdos de la Sra. Brittney para compartir, ya que le deseamos lo mejor en su próxima aventura. Esperamos verlos allí!
WLA PTO Presents
Father-Daughter Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball
Grades PreK-8th Grade
Saturday, April 27th 6:00-9:00 pm
@ the WLA Middle School
3215 Poplar Springs Road
Gainesville, GA 30507
La fundación de WLA presenta
Baile de máscaras de carnaval de padre-hija
Grados PreK-8
El sábado 27 de abril 6:00-9:00 PM
Download Newsletter Here/Descargue Boletin Aqui
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Contact Us
4670 Winder Highway
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Fax: 770-967-3496
School Hours
Monday – Friday
7:50AM – 2:25PM